extreme car driving simulator

Extreme car driving simulator

extreme car driving simulator

Extreme car driving simulator is open world car game. Developed by AxesInMotion racing And released in 15th July 2014. It is Android game available on Play store. It has 500 million plus downloads on Play store extreme Car driving Simulator has very large user base worldwide. It is rated 4.4 star with 3 million plus reviews on Play Store.


extreme car driving simulator offers exciting experience to gamers with their large city map filled with buildings, garage, mountains, highways, airport and lakes. The controls are simple and easy to learn. You can choose between different control options like tilting on your device. Using steering wheel or tapping buttons on screen.

Map: extreme Car driving simulator offers big map filled with different areas like cities, airport and off road. Tracks you can drive anywhere you want without any restriction.

Stunts: You can perform cool stunts like drifting, jumping, and speeding the game has realistic Car Physic Which makes the car stunt feel and look real.

Mission and checkpoint: It also offers many challenges in game. You will find many challenges as you drive anywhere You will find challenges like destroy or collect boxes or perform various stunts through ramp on buildings. Completing these challenges will earn you rewards.

Cars: You can drive different cars and enjoy the gameplay. Each car offers different driving experience like some cars have good performance engines so they accelerate better. Some cars built to drive on off road which gives next level of driving experience.

Car customization: This game provides various customization options for cars. You can change your car screen. You can change or customize color of your car. You can use different rims and tires. You can fully customize your car.

extreme car driving simulator cars


The graphics of Extreme Car Driving Simulator are awesome because the car quite looks so realistic each car detailed with smooth lines and shiny surface. Which makes the cars. Visually so appealing the game environment filled with cities, airport and lakes. The game includes smooth animation like wheels turning and car bouncing and rough terrain which Which Enhance the gameplay experience in this game. You can adjust your graphics from low, medium, High to ultra According to your device performance.

Game modes

extreme car driving simulator modes

open world: In open world mode you can do anywhere, you can explore new places, you can drive in city, do off-roading and perform stunts in airport. And while exploring the game you can complete different different type of challenges and or extra rewards in form of coins that will help you to buy new cars or upgrade your cars. You will encounter traffic while exploring the game.

Multiplayer mode: in multiplayer mode you can play and explore the game with your friends it's awesome to play and explore the game with your friends it will definitely give you best experience you can complete challenges together you can perform various stunts with your friends overall in multiplayer mode you can explore, compete and race together in open environment at real time.

Race Mode: The race mode is exciting part of Extreme Car driving simulator where you can compete again against other players in race mode. Start from beginning of track along with other cars. When race begins you need to drive your car smoothly and balance while speeding up the car. To Reach the finish line first. after reaching After crossing the finish line first, you will win the race and you will get rewarded with incentives by the game.


To progress in game, you need to earn coins by completing challenges and winning the races. You will encounter many challenges while playing the game. The more challenges you complete, the more places you will win, the more points you will earn and that coins will help you to unlock new cars and upgrade cars. Also, the more better car you have, the more chances increases to win the races in the game. After all, you will also rewarded with incentives after completing each task and winning the races.

Overall, extreme car driving simulator is awesome car game. with various modes and large interesting map ,graphics are realistic. 

Game download link - Click to download

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