Drive zone online: car game

Drive Zone Online: Car Game

Drive zone online: car game

Drive zone online is a online open world car racing game. it is developed by jet games FZ-LLC. it is  available for android on Playstore for free but currently there is no version available for IOS and PC.


Drive Zone Online offers racing, stunts and mission to keep your gameplay experience varied and engaging .The gameplay is very smooth in every graphics settings. You can compete with other players in racing mode you can add players as a friend in your friend list and play together when other player is online . You can race through city and open environment in high speed with various types of cars. each car has its own specification such as speed, power, breaking system you can play in city mode open world. players can earn points by controlled drifting, jumping through ramp, task completion and Daily reward. In this game players can perform drag race and compete with other players through city street open environment. Players can progress in game by winning races ,completing mission , completing carrier mode it helps players to win new rewards and earn points. players can purchase and unlock new cars with their earned points and customize theme as they want. In this Game players can also earn extra reward by finding and collecting hidden bonuses which is scattered throughout the map.

Login in game

Players can login in game through 
  • signing with googleplay
  • signing with facebook
  • signing as Guest
Drive Zone online game size is 283Mb but after downloading the game players needs to download game resources pack which is up to 1200Mb.

Game Settings

Graphics : players can adjust their graphics quality from very low to high or can set custom graphics manually increase or decrease Shadow quality, Game texture, Draw distance, render scale, etc. 

Sound: Players can adjust master volume, Music volume, voice chat volume, UI volume and car volume according to their needs. This game provides great features to optimize the sound quality of the game.

Controls : Players can manually customize the controls buttons and change the position of button to control the car. It provides three types of controls to control the car like buttons, steering wheel and accelerometer. Players can optimize it accordingly and enjoy the gameplay.

Language settings: Players can select their game language. Many language options available in the game like English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, etc.

Community: You can join their communities on YouTube, Instagram, Discord, Facebook, VK, Tiktok, Telegram, etc.

General Settings: Players can select their region for chat. Players can block trade request because this game provides trading system where players can trade their car after reaching 80 level. So players can block trade request if they are getting frequent trade request from other players. Players can block chat invitation and incoming friend requests.

Game inventory

Drive zone online Offers various inventory options such as: 
Containers: Players can get rewards through opening containers. Players get various types of rewards like car skins, coins, Rims, Credits and Car XP which is used to upgrade cars.

Tunning: players can upgrade their car looks performance by tuning options.


  •  body: players can select their car body
  •  rims: rims are available in tuning option where players can select their favourite rims for their car
  •  performance: players can upgrade or tune their car engine for more power and performance they can select supercharger to improve car performance indicators and turning torque.
  • exhaust: players can Install different exhaust in their car which sounds like real car exhaust.

Game modes

Drive Zone Online Game Modes

Open world: It has open world mode where players can explore the Massive map of this game. Map is filled with different places like cities, desert and race track players can drive Anywhere they want without any restrictions, which makes it feel very realistic.

Racing mode: The game offers racing mode to compete with other players on race track.To win the race, you have to cross the finish line first. The more powerful car and driving skills you have the more chances increases to win the race. It becomes more challenging when cars move from corners. Players get various reward after crossing the finish line first such as credits and car XP.

Career Mode: In career mode, you have to start as a beginner driver and win levels to progress in career mode. In career mode you compare to various races and mission to earn credits, car skins, car XP, etc. As you progress, you unlock new cars on rewards and unlock more tougher challenges.

Skill test mode: Skill test mode is all about testing your driving abilities. You face different challenges that requires precise control and quick reflexes. It includes avoiding obstacles and performing various stunts.

Drifting mode: drifting mode focuses on the art of drifting where you slide your car around corners at high speed you earn points based on how well you can control your drifts.

Custom mode: in custom mode you can customize your own game you can create your own server to join other players you can select different maps such as City, street, desert and racetrack you can enable or disable in game traffic. You can choose Max players to play game together. You you just have to customize and create game and share your custom game ID to join other players in your game.

Overall, Drive Zone Online is a fantastic open world car racing game Filled with various game modes and different different customization and tuning option of cars which provides realistic experience. Car exhaust sounds so realistic. Graphics are realistic and the game provides awesome experience to its players.

Drive Zone Online Car Game download link: 

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